Tuesday, March 24, 2009

19 week scan

Its a girl!....Again.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Party pics

We managed to survive the party. Horray! Mostly we survived because my sister and mum did all the work.
Scarily something happened that day that flicked a switch in the Things' brains, and ever since then they've been crawling, cruising machines. Hense why I've had no time to blog. So while I have two gorgeous sleeping girls tucked securely into their beds and nobody trying to untie my laces or use me as a junglegym I can finally show off my party pics.

(These are not really in order) Thing1 with her new bath toys.

Cupcakes with sprinkles make for a great exfoliant
Thing2 appreciating frosting
My lazy version of birthday cakes
Daddy and T2 taking it all in
T2's adorable new hat
T1, before I realised that the bangle was not baby proof and that she had eaten all the little embelishments. Don't you love when people give gifts that aren't age appropriate.
Thing2 in all her birthday girl glory. The bow lasted about 2 minutes.

Well thats it, as I said, we all survived. Also on Wednesday we find out if the wee squirt is a boy or a girl. Can't wait.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Hey sis (and others), I know I promised you an awesome baby Birthday post but unfortunately I've lost my camera cable so I can't upload my really really cute baby pics. I'm just a little angry but we'll post some with the other camera on Saturday :(

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Big bottom girls

I recently went clothes shopping for the girls and have since come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to become more flexible about the whole cloth diaper thing. I don't know if any one else has noticed this but baby clothes these days (I'm talking onsies and pants) don't seem to have much room in the tooshie area. I'm guessing it's just that the manufacturers assume most babies aren't in cloth. And it gets worse as they get bigger. My girls need a size 1 in pants when they are in cloth and a 0/00 when they are in disposables. This means if I decide to put them in pants that fit their butts the legs are way too long and incredibly baggy everywhere other then the butt. It's not a good look. I'm still going to have cloth on them when we are at home, but I think if we go out I might start trying the other ones.

Tomorrow is the big shopping day for the girls party. I can't wait to choose party dresses. the frooffier (is that a word?) the better. I'll post a pic tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I think Alex must be sending secret text messages to her cousin little miss in Melbourne. It seems whenever my sister tells me that little miss has a new adventure/accident under her belt, my ones are trying the same trick not long after.

Alex has it in her head that she can walk, or at least that she can stand without holding onto anything. Thats okay and she usually lands on her bums, but lately she's been climbing onto things like her walker and then letting go or trying to step off without holding. Two waketimes in a row she has landed hard on her head doing that and given herself a nasty welt. The place she lands has a hard wooden edge with a 90degree angle so it's a very unfriendly place to hit your head. I'm afraid tonight is going to be spent baby proofing the play area yet again cos unfortunately its a little to harsh an injury for me to keep letting her do it until she learns, by that stage we might have blood.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Tanty Diva Princess Monsters

There is no way to get around it. My girls are spoilt rotten. This became very obvious this morning when I tried to introduce sippie cups and juice. No big deal right. I figured they would have a little play, make a bit of mess. I certainly didn't expect them to pick it up straight away or anything like that.

Little did I know that apple juice is really cocaine for babies.

First they figured out how to injure themselves with the mouth piece by falling forwards with it in their mouth. Then they tried to pour the juice up their noses by lying down with the cups and positioning the mouthpiece under the nose instead of in the mouth. Eventually I got them holding the cups with the mouth in the right place tilted up and all that . As soon as the juice hit their tongues REAL drama ensued.

We MUST drink every drop in this cup
We MUST get to lean on mum when we drink
Mum MUST be holding the cups for us.

I was bad and humoured them for a little while, but eventually I did leave them to figure things out for themselves and you could not imagine the earth shattering screames and rivers of tears that went on after that.

It took about 20 minutes for things to calm down enough for me to think clearly again. Now the girls are dragging the bottles with them from toy to toy. Alex currently has hers wedged under her butt for some reason, and the screaming is starting up again. I think that means I should go.