Monday, March 2, 2009

Tanty Diva Princess Monsters

There is no way to get around it. My girls are spoilt rotten. This became very obvious this morning when I tried to introduce sippie cups and juice. No big deal right. I figured they would have a little play, make a bit of mess. I certainly didn't expect them to pick it up straight away or anything like that.

Little did I know that apple juice is really cocaine for babies.

First they figured out how to injure themselves with the mouth piece by falling forwards with it in their mouth. Then they tried to pour the juice up their noses by lying down with the cups and positioning the mouthpiece under the nose instead of in the mouth. Eventually I got them holding the cups with the mouth in the right place tilted up and all that . As soon as the juice hit their tongues REAL drama ensued.

We MUST drink every drop in this cup
We MUST get to lean on mum when we drink
Mum MUST be holding the cups for us.

I was bad and humoured them for a little while, but eventually I did leave them to figure things out for themselves and you could not imagine the earth shattering screames and rivers of tears that went on after that.

It took about 20 minutes for things to calm down enough for me to think clearly again. Now the girls are dragging the bottles with them from toy to toy. Alex currently has hers wedged under her butt for some reason, and the screaming is starting up again. I think that means I should go.


  1. That's funny. What cups did you end up using? Can you imagine 3 of them in screaming tantrum mode?? Little Miss is a screamer I wonder how they'll go all together!

  2. It's sounds like you'll be off bottles and onto sippie cups very soon! Good luck! I hope the tantrums stop today! If they don't, just rub a little juice on their gums! Haha!
