What are the chances.
They were both soaked through completely, tops and bottoms, and so were we. They had peed so much that the diapers just couldn't hold in any more liquid. It occures to me now that they both drank huge cups of water about an hour before.
Diaper failures have become more and more common since the girls started drinking from sippy cups instead of bottles. I think its because they regulate their own drinking and they don't seem to drink much all morning and then they drink a huge amount after lunch.
I don't know if that explenation made much sense?did it?
Since this post is feeling like such a fail and isn't exactly flowing smoothly from my mind onto the screen I'm going to use this opertunity to finally do my picture tag.
I was tagged for this a long time ago but kept forgetting about it. You've probably seen this before.
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same
NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)
So here is mine
So thats that. I tag my only two followers if you can be bothered.
I was going to do this but the fourth picture in the fourth album was me holding a bloody and screaming new born Lauren, maybe we'll skip that one?
ReplyDeleteNo, do it! those are the best pics!