I am a little in shock atm. I told the T-man to take the night off so he could go watch the new Star trek movie. He has been talking about it for months. I just couldn't think of a way of us both going together that didn't involve him having to wait for a couple weeks so he went with his friends.
In the (less than) two hours that he has been gone Jess has puked everywhere, twice. Alex has had yet another semi-bad accident trying to climb over something. And finally, on a cold wet night when all but 2 of the girls diapers are sopping wet on the line outside, Alex pees all over me and her nice dry bedtime diaper.
Its amazing. The girl gets height and distance. I always thought only boys could do that.
So I had a screaming half naked baby and her sister crawling around the house, after me, trying to grab my legs as I tried desperatly to find something dry to put on naked girls butt. They were so distraught that they just kept clinging on and looking up at me like I was doing this just for kicks or something. Then I closed a door on them and went outside in the hope that something out there was even a bit dry, but that was fail.
Eventually poor Alex got put to bed in the diaper she peed on. Luckily it had a booster (an insert that soaks up excess pee) in it for overnight so I just replaced that and hopefully she will be able to sleep with kindof damp legs.
I feel really mean right now cos I can hear that she is still awake and I really hope she isn't too uncomfortable. If the boy were here I could of sent him out to buy disposables but such is my brilliant timing.
I don't quite know how to describe to you just how upset the girls got tonight or how rubbish I feel for how I delt (or didn't deal) with it so I'm just gonna run away and drink coffee and hide.