The four of us we're sitting on the floor in the girls bedroom playing and getting them into their pj's. T1 kept crawling away and wriggling so I told Tman to give her her baby to hold. Now, she loves her baby. She won't sleep without it. When she gets up from a nap or just up in the morning her doll must not be left behind. She kisses it (licks morelike) on the head and actually rocks it in her arms. And when she's crying she wants Mummy or Daddy AND dolly.
So Tman tries to get the doll from her bed but doesn't want to get up off the floor so he tries to pull it through the slats at the end of the crib. He gets the body through but the head gets stuck.So he starts pulling on the dolls body really hard and its head it hitting against the crib fairly violently. He's such a lazybum.
All of the sudden their is the most horrific bloodcurdling scream. Thing1 is pointing to what her Daddy is doing with one hand against her head screaming and shaking. T looks at her and while still pulling on the doll says "oh my goodness, whats wrong with her, whats wrong?" to which my response is "stop hurting the doll!" He quickly clicks and stands up and gives Thing1 her doll. She immediatly stops screaming and starts cuddling her doll and sobbing. Poor girl.
It was such a strong reaction as if she was watching someone hurt her sister not just a doll. The boy and I later concluded that her attachment to her dolly is quite possibly not only on the same level as her attachment to her sister but stonger.
Ooooh! Mean old daddy rough handling the doll! I love that inbuilt mummy instinct little girls have, L Miss points out babies to me like they're something amazing - hello you're a baby too!