Friday, May 29, 2009

Mega shopping trip of doom!

So right now I am supposed to be getting ready for or HUGE shopping trip of doom but instead I'm sitting on my butt playing on the puter. Darn it. We have 1 1/2 hours to get about a months worth of shopping out of the way. How do you like my chances. Plus I have to drag the boy away from his work project and make him get dressed and ready too.

Why are human beings so illogical. Most of us can figure out right from wrong and what needs to be done...and yet. So I guess I will drag my ass off and get ready, and be good and only leave you with one cute pic.

Cold day shopping trips are worth it just for the hats :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Swine flu

Wow, I can't believe two of my friends just got quarentined for swine flu. They just flew back from Sydney and have both been really sick since. I think at this stage they are both fine but have to stay in their home for at least a week until the official all clear.

I should specify that it is a precautionary quarantine, I assume they are waiting for test results. It is more than likely a different strain of flu.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Poor traumatised baby girl

The weirdest thing just happened. I think that the Tman and I have both realised just how alert the girls have become to the things that are going on around them, and just how much Thing1 love love loves her baby born doll.

The four of us we're sitting on the floor in the girls bedroom playing and getting them into their pj's. T1 kept crawling away and wriggling so I told Tman to give her her baby to hold. Now, she loves her baby. She won't sleep without it. When she gets up from a nap or just up in the morning her doll must not be left behind. She kisses it (licks morelike) on the head and actually rocks it in her arms. And when she's crying she wants Mummy or Daddy AND dolly.

So Tman tries to get the doll from her bed but doesn't want to get up off the floor so he tries to pull it through the slats at the end of the crib. He gets the body through but the head gets stuck.So he starts pulling on the dolls body really hard and its head it hitting against the crib fairly violently. He's such a lazybum.

All of the sudden their is the most horrific bloodcurdling scream. Thing1 is pointing to what her Daddy is doing with one hand against her head screaming and shaking. T looks at her and while still pulling on the doll says "oh my goodness, whats wrong with her, whats wrong?" to which my response is "stop hurting the doll!" He quickly clicks and stands up and gives Thing1 her doll. She immediatly stops screaming and starts cuddling her doll and sobbing. Poor girl.

It was such a strong reaction as if she was watching someone hurt her sister not just a doll. The boy and I later concluded that her attachment to her dolly is quite possibly not only on the same level as her attachment to her sister but stonger.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Quick whingy post

I am a little in shock atm. I told the T-man to take the night off so he could go watch the new Star trek movie. He has been talking about it for months. I just couldn't think of a way of us both going together that didn't involve him having to wait for a couple weeks so he went with his friends.

In the (less than) two hours that he has been gone Jess has puked everywhere, twice. Alex has had yet another semi-bad accident trying to climb over something. And finally, on a cold wet night when all but 2 of the girls diapers are sopping wet on the line outside, Alex pees all over me and her nice dry bedtime diaper.

Its amazing. The girl gets height and distance. I always thought only boys could do that.

So I had a screaming half naked baby and her sister crawling around the house, after me, trying to grab my legs as I tried desperatly to find something dry to put on naked girls butt. They were so distraught that they just kept clinging on and looking up at me like I was doing this just for kicks or something. Then I closed a door on them and went outside in the hope that something out there was even a bit dry, but that was fail.

Eventually poor Alex got put to bed in the diaper she peed on. Luckily it had a booster (an insert that soaks up excess pee) in it for overnight so I just replaced that and hopefully she will be able to sleep with kindof damp legs.

I feel really mean right now cos I can hear that she is still awake and I really hope she isn't too uncomfortable. If the boy were here I could of sent him out to buy disposables but such is my brilliant timing.

I don't quite know how to describe to you just how upset the girls got tonight or how rubbish I feel for how I delt (or didn't deal) with it so I'm just gonna run away and drink coffee and hide.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


When did my little babies turn into toddlers? And why didn't anybody warn me that the true definition of the word toddler is actually Hyperactive-nonsensical-hysterical-monkey-monsters-from-space!

I tuck them into their cots for their naps and they both just stand back up and bounce up and down rattling the sides and laughing at me in unison!

They try to feed me bugs they find, but only after they've chewed on them first!

They unfold my laundry and crawl away with diapers at the most critical point of the diaper change!

They try to play with each other EYES! and wonder why all the screaming!

They chew each others feet!

and they have the baby version of Bi-polar!

..........Its awesome, I love it!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

More money please

A funny thing happened (and is still happening) today. The Tman's employer is advertising a job that is over in Melbourne. Its online and in the papers.It is basically T's job at a lower level. As in they would be reporting to him and doing much easier work. Now jobs in Melbourne generally pay a little higher because the cost of living in Melbourne is higher. Its one of those job ads where they give out what qualifications and hours are required and then ask you what you think you should be paid if you do get the job.

The funny part is they have had over a hundred applications coming in all day. And there is one thing that most of them have in common. The annual salary they are all asking for is about 10 grand over what the Tman is currently getting paid.

This is awesome because his bosses are not able to pay this new person, whoever they decide on, a higher wage than T's. It has become obvious to everyone now that he is being underpaid bigtime. Which has ment that they have been forced to reasses his wage. Hopefully (but not deffinately) a pay rise will follow.

Don't worry I know that things might not change, and we're not going broke by any means. Also I know I shouldn't be greedy cos we're lucky to have an income. I just like the idea of getting rid of the mortgage that bit sooner.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hair cuts and catch-ups

We have been mega busy today. First thing this morning the girls had their first official haircuts. I say official because I have made several attempts at doing it myself which have failed misserably. Thing1's hair only wants to grow one way and that's over her face. No amount of styling can change it's mind. Plus it's very thick. This is why we pay professionals :p We went to PriceAttack and they did a pretty good job. I can see T1's face properly for the first time since she was about 4 months old.
I'm not sure $17 each is really that great a price considering they spent about 3 mins per child, (maybe next time I'll shop around) but if it saves the girls from losing an ear its worth it. We did Thing2's hair at the same time, just because. She didn't need it that badly, it was just a tidy-up for her. The T-man took pics with his mobile so I'm not sure how to upload them yet, but I'll figure it out later.

Also we caught up with T-man's brother and his wife and son. They came down for a wedding so we saw them for about 2 hours. Its a very quick visit. I think they arrived this morning are returning tomorrow morning and S ( the brother) will be back to work about 2hours after they land, poor thing. He works as a camera man on a bunch of different tv shows, first of the day will be a morning news/entertainment show, so hopefully he makes it in time.

Oh well thats it for me, I'm going to go pig out on some of the T-mans delicious bolognese. I don't know when that boy learnt to cook but I'm sure glad he did.